Formula Student Czech Republic was held for the first time this weekend: a few photos below…
Thomas More Innovation on the tilt tableFormula Group T in one of their last laps from the enduranceThomas More Innovation team photoFormula Group T in one of their first laps of the enduranceFormula Group T in one of their first laps of the enduranceBaltic racing from UAS StralsundThe Sponored Hyundai H1 People in front of the PitboxFormula Group T in one of their first laps of the enduranceThe LRT02 from Thomas More innovationThe LRT02 with 2 Hyundai H1 People carriersISAT Formula Team from Nevers (France)ISAT Formula Team from Nevers (France)Mainfranken Racing from UAS Würzburg-SchweinfurtMainfranken Racing from UAS Würzburg-SchweinfurtFast Forest from UAS DeggendorfFast Forest from UAS DeggendorfFormula ManipalFormula Group T in one of their first laps of the enduranceOxford Brookes RacingOxford Brookes RacingPWR Racing from Wroclaw University of TechnologyFormula Group T in one of their first laps of the endurance
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